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Google Ads Integration and New Bottom Sheet UI Component

Discover the latest ExpoShip update with Google Ads integration and a new Bottom Sheet UI Component, enhancing your app development experience.

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ExpoShip Bottom Sheet UI Component

ExpoShip's Latest Update: Integrating Google Ads and Introducing Bottom Sheet UI Component

We're excited to announce the latest update to ExpoShip, the leading React Native boilerplate that accelerates your app development process. In this update, we introduce Google Ads integration and a new Bottom Sheet UI Component, providing you with even more tools to create feature-rich and high-performing apps.

Google Ads Integration

Monetize your app seamlessly with our new Google Ads integration. With just a few lines of code, you can add banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded video ads to your app. Follow our comprehensive guide to set up Google Ads in your ExpoShip project:
ExpoShip Google Ads Integration Guide.

Step-by-Step Setup

  • Install the necessary packages using npm install or yarn add.
  • Configure your AdMob account and obtain the required ad unit IDs.
  • Implement the ad components in your app as demonstrated in our guide.

Benefits of Google Ads Integration

By integrating Google Ads, you can generate revenue from your app with minimal effort. The ads are designed to be non-intrusive, ensuring a smooth user experience while maximizing your monetization potential.

Bottom Sheet UI Component

The new Bottom Sheet UI Component is a versatile addition to ExpoShip, allowing you to create a variety of user interactions with ease. The Bottom Sheet can be used for menus, confirmations, or additional content display, enhancing the overall usability of your app.

Key Features

  • Highly customizable appearance and behavior.
  • Supports dynamic content and interactions.
  • Seamless integration with existing components.

For detailed instructions on how to implement the Bottom Sheet UI Component, check out our documentation:
ExpoShip Bottom Sheet UI Component Guide.


This update is designed to provide you with more tools and features to enhance your app development process. With Google Ads integration, you can effortlessly monetize your app, while the Bottom Sheet UI Component offers new ways to improve user interactions.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance ExpoShip, ensuring you have the best resources at your disposal to create outstanding apps. Try out the latest features today and take your app development to the next level!